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Simple Ways To Teach Your Children Gratitude

Simple Ways To Teach Your Children Gratitude

5 Simple Ways to teach your children gratitude therapy for kids washington, pa

Do your children appreciate what they have instead of always asking for more? Or, are your children lacking in gratitude? Not only does gratitude create a better sense of well-being, it can increase self-esteem and empathy, while reducing anger and aggression. How can you raise your children to be grateful for what they have instead of always asking for more? How do you teach something so abstract, yet so vitally important, to your children? Luckily, you can teach your children gratitude in 4 simple ways.

4 Ways to Teach Children Gratitude

1. Modeling Gratitude

Children learn by watching us. They see our actions and they replicate them. Is there any better way to teach your children gratitude than by living life in the present and being thankful and appreciative for what you have? I can’t think of one!

Model a grateful mentality. Verbalize what you are thinking in a positive way. Thank your child for clearing his/her plate. If you are walking to you car, talk to your child about the beautiful blue sky, or hearing the birds again after a long winter. If it’s raining, talk about how beautiful the flowers will be after all the rain.

Express to your child what you’re thankful for in that moment. Be present. If you’re waiting in the school drop off line, tell your children how lucky you are that you get to drive your kids to school and spend a few more minutes with them.

When you verbalize what you are thankful for, you really feel it. By putting the focus on appreciating the safe car that gets your kids to school instead of on the light you missed that’ll put you a few minutes behind, you’ll begin to notice a renewed sense of contentment. When you feel lighter and happier, that feeling will shine upon your children, too.

2. Donating

When we give to others, we are looking at someone else’s needs instead of our own. Start early and help your children learn gratitude by learning the importance of helping others in need.

Help your children go through their rooms to fill a box of their gently used toys. This doesn’t have to be rushed or panicked. You can sit down together and talk about how lucky you are to have so many nice things. Explain that some children are in need of toys and clothes, and that it is so nice to be able to help others. You can talk about the toys and how much fun you’ve had with each one.

Your children can also help you wash and sort the clothes and toys while packing them away. Take your children with you when you donate them. You may want to simply take them to Goodwill, or to your church collection. Maybe you’ve found a local family in need and can take the items there.

Donating items we barely use is a wonderful way to help others while also improving our own lives with eliminating excess.

Earlier this past winter I was visiting with my parents. My father was getting ready to leave and put his coat on while saying “Today is a good day to wear a scarf”. I asked him why he wasn’t wearing one, then. He replied that because he had a warm coat and gloves, he felt someone else could benefit from his warm scarf. He had donated his one and only scarf because he thought of someone else’s needs before his own. My father is an incredible example of living and modeling gratitude.

3. Start a Gratitude Journal to Teach Children Gratitude

Journaling is a great tool to help focus our thoughts and intentions. And journaling is just as beneficial for your children, too! Writing down what we are thankful for can help us really focus on what we have in front of us. Your children will love this idea when it’s presented as a fun and exciting activity.

Take your children to the store to pick out their favorite notebook, paper or journal to use as their gratitude journal. Explain to your children how this journal is going to be used. Each day, or maybe 3 times a week, you and your children can write down what they feel grateful for. Explain to your children that being specific can help us to really see and appreciate what we have. And as a bonus, reading older entries is a fun way to remember happy moments from our past.

Your children’s gratitude journal doesn’t have to be words. If your child can’t write yet, or doesn’t enjoy writing, encourage him/her to draw a picture of something special. Let your children get creative with their entries.

4. Sharing Gratitude as a Family

Teaching gratitude to your children is a simple process that over time can bring your family even closer together. Make a habit of sharing what you’re grateful for over dinner. Everyone can take a turn and share a special moment from their day. By sharing with each other on a daily basis, you are opening the door to communication.

Try and be specific. Instead of saying “I’m grateful for this dinner” try saying something like “I’m grateful that we laughed in the kitchen over a funny story while peeling potatoes for this delicious dinner.”

Another option is to make sharing what you’re grateful for a part of the bedtime routine. When you are relaxing in bed, reading a story or saying prayers, add in what you’re grateful for. Help your children to think about their day and share what they are grateful for. Help them to be specific in their thanks and watch them grow as kind, compassionate children.

Gratitude In Your Children

When you use these 4 simple ways to teach your children gratitude, you will begin to notice changes in them. You may notice how they no longer need to be prompted to be specific in their gratitude, or how they talk and share their happy moments freely. You may notice a positive shift in their behavior and attitude.

Teaching, and learning, gratitude takes time. It is a slow process of appreciating what we have daily, and of appreciating the little moments. Make sure you are taking note and appreciating the little moments, too!

Gratitude goes well beyond saying “Thank you”. When your children learn gratitude, they learn to be more in tune with their surroundings. They learn to appreciate the little moments in their lives and focus not on what’s missing, but what’s right there in front of them. Gratitude can teach your children kindness, compassion and empathy. I think we could all benefit from more of those traits in our lives!

Counseling For Children in Washington, PA

As child therapists, we believe in a strong sense of safety and connection when working with kids. We strive to create a safe environment where your children will feel comforted and supported.

Our child therapy office in Washington, PA is warm and inviting. It’s a safe place for your children to relax, draw, color, play games, and talk.

If you have any questions or would like to get to know us a little better, please call (724) 503-6670 or email us at You can also reach out to us on Facebook and Instagram, too.

(1) Comment

  1. […] Your child’s self-esteem is how he/she sees him/herself and their abilities. A child’s positive self-esteem is built from love, support and encouragement. We can also help our children by teaching and showing them kindness, empathy and gratitude. […]

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