With the school year winding down and nice weather all around us, some parents may start to worry about activities for their kids. How can you keep you child entertained without the help of school or organized sports? Luckily there are simple summer activities that lead to a happy child.
Change can be hard for some kids. While the freedom of summer can be exhilarating for some, the unknown can cause panic in others. To keep your child happy this summer, it’s a good idea to keep to a basic schedule. Nothing too rigid or regimented, but keep bedtimes and wake up times the same. It can help to keep mealtimes the same, as well. While daily activities may change, their timing in the day can be consistent.
Crafting doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Summer activities that are easy make for a happy child and parent.
Walk around your yard, the woods, or neighborhood and collect some rocks. Wash them off and then paint them with cheap paint. Your kids can paint the same rocks over and over and stash them in different parts of the yard.
You can head to your local library, or Amazon, and try your hand at origami. There are books for every interest and age level.
Crafting doesn’t have to be messy, time consuming, and it certainly shouldn’t be overwhelming. Simple crafts can keep kid’s minds and bodies busy.
You have to eat anyway, so why not make it into an engaging activity with the kids? If you’re having chicken and vegetables, let the kids cut up veggies and make their own kabobs. Try your hand at pizza night and have everyone make their own pizza.
If baking is more your thing, don the aprons and bake together! Dip bananas or fruit into chocolate (throw in some sprinkles for little kids) to keep it simple. Want to go more elaborate? You can search Pinterest with your child to find your next culinary treat.
Get Moving Outdoors
The best part of summer is getting outside. Fresh air, sunshine, and open space. Make a point to get out every day this summer. Again, you don’t have to plan scavenger hunts if you don’t want. Just get outside. Go for a walk, play tag, pull weeds, plant flowers, just get out and move.
Kids don’t need you to be their fun-director. Go outside and see where the moment takes you. There is a pretty great chance that everyone will feel better after spending some much needed time outdoors.
Learning doesn’t have to end just because school is over. Allow for down time in your and your child’s day. Relax with a book on a rainy day, or bring a book outside on a nice day. It’s important, especially for children with anxiety, to have some time each day to have unstructured down time. If he/she chooses to read, write, or close their eyes, that’s great.
Summer activities in their simplest form can make for a very happy child. So this summer, don’t overthink or stress over how to keep your child busy. It’s okay to let go and see where the days take you. Just remember to get outside and enjoy some time with your child.
Washington, PA Therapy for Children and Teens
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