We’ve previously talked about why it’s so important to read to your child for their mental health. When children are exposed to reading from a young age, they quickly build language. Within those words is the ability to convey thoughts, feelings and emotions. Children who read essentially are more adept at communication. So how do you raise a child who loves to read?
Are some children just more inclined to read? Are we born to be readers or not? Truthfully, I don’t have that answer. What I do know is you can lay the foundation for your child to become a reader. The rest will be up to him/her.
It’s Never Too Early to Read to Your Child
It’s really never too early to start reading to your child. When you start young, I’m talking newborn, you are starting with the most basic step to raise a child who loves to read.
The best part about reading to a newborn is you can read anything! They are too young to pick up what you are saying. It’s all about your voice and the bonding that comes with time spent together. So grab something you enjoy and read to your baby.
When we start reading to our children at a young age it becomes natural. It becomes routine. This routine will follow on in their lives and they will naturally lean towards books.
Be a Book Reading Role Model
If you want to raise a child who loves to read, it can be a lot easier if you, in fact, love to read. If you don’t have an affinity for reading, start reading! Be the role model for a love of reading. I know I read a lot of books on my phone or Kindle. With kids, it helps to let them see you read an actual book.
Take a trip to the library, let your kids pick out books, and grab a few for yourself as well. You can have “library time”. This is especially helpful if you one child that naps and other children that are too old for naps. Establish a routine of library time where the family sits down in their favorite reading nook/chair/tent, and each person quietly reads to him/herself. If you have toddlers, you can quietly read to them, or give them a pile of books to peruse. Looking at pictures is just as important as reading the words.
Raising a Child who Loves to Read is More Than Just Words
Reading is more than just words on a page. And that’s even more true for kids. When you “read” to a child, you aren’t just reading the words on the page, but having a conversation about what is happening and what feelings these actions evoke.
Raising a child who loves to read is as simple as sitting down together and talking about what we see in a book. It’s talking about the pictures and how they make us feel, and how we think the characters may feel. Reading together daily becomes a natural bonding experience.
A great way to raise a reader is through access to books. Books make wonderful gifts. The library makes for a wonderful afternoon spent together.
Counseling for Kids in Washington, PA
Reading is a wonderful bonding opportunity for parents and kids. It’s hard for small children to understand and express what they feel inside. It can be hard for adults, too. Books can help with this.
The world can seem scary to a child. As parents, it can be equally frustrating not understanding why something that seems so small to us is so terrifying to our children. We all experience anxiety at varying times throughout our lives. It’s important to learn how to cope with those feelings and how to move forward.
If you are worried about your child or if you have any questions, please contact us at (724) 503-6670 or email us at admin@inthenowcounseling.org. You can also reach us on Facebook and Instagram, too.