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Being A Mother Is Hard

Being A Mother Is Hard

mom and kids at table happily baking

Being a mother is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom, part-time working mom, single mom, etc., it’s just plain hard.

We never have enough time in the day to do all of the things. And so often we are left feeling like we’ve failed – – at work, at home, with family, with friends, with our spouses. There is no end to mom guilt.

Being a Mother is Hard Work

Women and mothers try to do it all. Social media presents an image of motherly and familial perfection that is simply unattainable.   

We can’t be perfect and simply can’t do it all, at least not without major damage to our own mental health.

Your Mental Health Matters as a Mother

Do you know it’s healthy to take a break? You can, and should, take time to focus on your mental health.

It doesn’t even matter what your thing is. Prioritizing your mental health matters. Don’t add this to your never ending “to do” list! Whatever brings you peace, brings you calm, and/or regenerates you, do it!

Yoga, walking, getting outside, get away for the night, sleep in on the weekend, coffee with girlfriends, a date night with your partner, etc., take the time to do it.

You Can Ask for Help as a Mother

You can ask for help. Saying you need help doesn’t make you weak. It makes you smart. We all need help. Take the help when you can get it.

Share babysitting with a mom friend so you can each have downtime. Take a vacation day while your kids are in school so you can do something for you. Find ways, not once a month, but every day, so that you get your cup filled, too.

Talk to your partner about your needs. Have an open, honest conversation about your feelings. If you don’t feel like you are getting the support you need, therapy can help.

Therapy for Women and Mothers in Canonsburg, PA

Being a mother is hard. It can be downright overwhelming.  You need to put time into you.

Talk therapy is effective.  Our office is located in a restored victorian in the heart of Canonsburg, PA. When you enter our building you’ll be greeted by the warmth of your surroundings. Get a drink from the kitchen, sit down and relax. You’ll look forward to coming so you can relax, talk, and be heard.  

If you have been tired with your day to day, if you aren’t getting support at home, please call (724) 503-6670 or email us at

Getting to know your therapist is important. It should feel like the right fit. Feel free to get to know us here.

You can also contact us on Facebook as well as Instagram, too.