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Teaching A Growth Mindset To Your Teen

teaching a growth mindset to your teen

Teenagers are known for their varying moods, eye rolls, and sometimes inflexible attitude. Some teenagers are prone to a fixed mindset where they feel “I’ll never learn this. I’m just not good at math. So why bother?” If this sounds like your teen, teaching a growth mindset can help. We all generally fall into one …

How To Pick The Right Partner

how to pick the right partner

Is he “The One”? Many of us have asked this question, whether to ourselves or to a friend. How do you know for sure? Is there a way to know? Is there a way to pick the right partner? Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure how things will turn out in the …

Your College Student And Depression

your college student and depression

Parents are usually excited and proud to watch their children go off to college. It’s an accomplishment for both. But what happens when that excitement you feel for them isn’t being shown by them? There is a chance your college student is experiencing depression. We are seeing a greater rate of depression among college students …

Back To School Anxiety In Kids

back to school anxiety in kids

Back to school mode is upon us. For some kids, this is an exciting time of sports, activities, and time with friends. For so many others, this is an anxiety filled time with worries and nerves. There are ways to help kids ease their anxiety when heading back to school. How is Your Stress? Before …

Are You Struggling With An Empty Nest?

are you struggling with an empty nest

As summer winds down and the end of August is upon us, many couples are facing a new reality – -their kids are grown and the last child has left home. Empty nest syndrome occurs with the feelings of grief, sadness and loss when your last (or only) child leaves home. Are you struggling with …

Allow Yourself To Be Sad

allow yourself to be sad

Sadness, like happiness, is a basic emotion. Sadness can get a bad rap, though. It’s not uncommon for people to assume they are doing something “wrong” if they feel sad. But, when you allow yourself to be sad, you are giving yourself permission to slow down, feel your emotions, and explore your thoughts. You are …

How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids

how to stop yelling at your kids

Have you ever yelled at your kids because it was ‘the only way to get them listen‘? Did you feel guilt after you yelled for handling the situation poorly? There is a better way. You can stop yelling at your kids and find peace and calm in your home. Many parents yell at their kids. …

How To Stop Keeping Score In Your Relationship

How To Stop Keeping Score In Your Relationship

Do you keep a mental tab of all the ways you have given in your relationship? When you focus on what you’ve given, you miss seeing what your partner has contributed to the relationship. This can quickly lead to anger, bitterness, and resentment. If you stop keeping score in your relationship, you may find yourself …

Why Am I Still Feeling Sad After Having A Baby?

Why am i still feeling sad after having a baby postpartum depression Washington, PA therapy for new moms

Are you caring for your newborn and not feeling quite like yourself? Are you thinking Why am I still feeling sad after having a baby? You may be experiencing postpartum depression. And you are not alone. Last week we talked about ‘Baby Blues’ and how roughly 80% of new mothers will experience some form of …

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

Teaching mindfulness to kids helps them process their world. In its simplest way, mindfulness is using your senses to observe the environment around you. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help kids with anxiety learn to use their senses to process stressful situations. DIY stress balls for kids are a simple way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness in …