Showing 28 Result(s)

How To Relax When …

how to relax when

Why is relaxing so hard for many of us? If you sit down, do you take a deep breath and settle in? Or do you, like so many women, think of all the million little things that “need” to get done. How are you supposed to relax when there is always something that needs to …

Being A Mother Is Hard

mom and kids at table happily baking

Being a mother is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom, part-time working mom, single mom, etc., it’s just plain hard. We never have enough time in the day to do all of the things. And so often we are left feeling like we’ve failed – – at work, at home, …

How To Be A Happier Mom

happier mom

Parenting is hard. We feel guilt over what we do and what we don’t do. Looking at other moms, we wonder why they make it look easy. We compare ourselves, our homes, our kids, and oftentimes we are left feeling inadequate. Why do we do this? What if we stop trying to be a perfect …

How To Survive Pregnancy

how to survive pregnancy

Women rave about pregnancy and all of its joys. You are creating another human after all and that’s amazing! But what if you don’t feel amazing? If you aren’t in love with being pregnant, you’re not alone. Not everyone gets to thrive while pregnant. Some women just have to survive pregnancy…and that’s okay. If you …

Your College Student And Depression

your college student and depression

Parents are usually excited and proud to watch their children go off to college. It’s an accomplishment for both. But what happens when that excitement you feel for them isn’t being shown by them? There is a chance your college student is experiencing depression. We are seeing a greater rate of depression among college students …

Allow Yourself To Be Sad

allow yourself to be sad

Sadness, like happiness, is a basic emotion. Sadness can get a bad rap, though. It’s not uncommon for people to assume they are doing something “wrong” if they feel sad. But, when you allow yourself to be sad, you are giving yourself permission to slow down, feel your emotions, and explore your thoughts. You are …

Why Am I Still Feeling Sad After Having A Baby?

Why am i still feeling sad after having a baby postpartum depression Washington, PA therapy for new moms

Are you caring for your newborn and not feeling quite like yourself? Are you thinking Why am I still feeling sad after having a baby? You may be experiencing postpartum depression. And you are not alone. Last week we talked about ‘Baby Blues’ and how roughly 80% of new mothers will experience some form of …

Why Am I Sad After Having A Baby?

Why am I sad after having a baby

You’re not a bad mom. You are not a failure. Let’s just clear that up now. Many mothers, most new mothers in fact, will experience something mood related after having a baby. If you are wondering “Why am I sad after having a baby?” you’re not alone. It may just be the baby blues. Feeling …

What If I’m Not Bonding With My New Baby?

what if i'm not bonding with my new baby therapy for new moms in washington, pa

Many expectant mothers know the importance of bonding with their baby. We are told of this wave of unconditional love that we’ll immediately feel upon meeting our new baby. If you’ve been left wondering why you’re not bonding with your new baby, you’re not alone. And it’s okay. So many of us aren’t told that …

How To Relax Without Guilt

how to relax without guilt, therapy for women in washington, pa

So many of us are living an overwhelmed, overworked, tired, life. Mothers especially, are expected to be “on” all the time. But we can’t be “on” at all times. Our minds and bodies need to rest for both mental and physical health. If intellectually we know that relaxation is essential, then why is it so …