Have you ever yelled at your kids because it was ‘the only way to get them listen‘? Did you feel guilt after you yelled for handling the situation poorly? There is a better way. You can stop yelling at your kids and find peace and calm in your home. Many parents yell at their kids. …
DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness
Teaching mindfulness to kids helps them process their world. In its simplest way, mindfulness is using your senses to observe the environment around you. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help kids with anxiety learn to use their senses to process stressful situations. DIY stress balls for kids are a simple way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness in …
Why Saying “I’m Sorry” To Our Kids Is Important
Parents sometimes feel as though they aren’t supposed to make mistakes. But that’s not possible. We all make mistakes. Saying “I’m sorry” to our kids is important as it will improve our relationship and restore the bond with your child. Don’t let shame get in the way. It’s not uncommon for parents to feel as …
Punishment Doesn’t Really Work – – Let’s Build Character Instead
Many of us, kids included, don’t respond well to punishment. Kids and adults alike can feel sorry for ourselves for being punished, and skip right over being sorry about our actions. This is the simple reason punishment doesn’t really work. Of course we need consequences for our actions, but there are better ways to get …
Why It’s Important For Kids To Have Chores
Chores. We all have them. We all need them done. But do your kids need chores? Is it really important for your kids to have chores? You bet it is! Chores matter. It’s that simple. When we are tired and the chore needs done, whether it’s loading the dishwasher, picking up toys or taking out …
Tips To Improve Impulse Control In Kids
Impulse control is the ability to control ourself in behavior, action, and emotion. Developing impulse control is important for our physical and emotional well-being. Learning to “think before acting” takes time and practice. We can help our kids at any age to improve impulse control and become healthier, more competent young adults. Labeling Feelings A …
Summer Activities For A Happy Child
With the school year winding down and nice weather all around us, some parents may start to worry about activities for their kids. How can you keep you child entertained without the help of school or organized sports? Luckily there are simple summer activities that lead to a happy child. Change can be hard for …
Your Child’s First Therapy Session | What To Expect
Children of all ages can be seen for therapy. Sometimes there are specific issues that need addressed, and sometimes, just as with adults, it simply helps to talk to someone. You may feel a bit uncertain about your child’s first therapy session. That’s okay! It’s completely normal. You can expect your child’s first therapy session …
How To Transition Into Summer For Kids With Anxiety
The school year is winding down and summer is quickly approaching. For many kids this is an exciting time with promises of late nights, sleeping in, endless sunny days, and loads of free time. For kids with anxiety (and other mental health disorders), the transition from school to summer can be plagued with angst from …
How To Help Your Teen’s Mental Health Before College
The school year is winding down, applications are being accepted and final decisions are being made. Your teen will be heading off to college in just a few short months! Is he/she ready? Major life events (marriage, divorce, birth, child going off to college, etc) can create or worsen mental health conditions. It’s important to …