Are you concerned about your child’s behavior and looking into counseling for your teen?

Does your teenager seem angry and depressed?  Life is hard for today’s children. There is hope and we can help.

Angry or Depressed Teens

Does your teen seem angry all the time? Can he/she go from seemingly happy to being in a full on rage? Do you stand there thinking “What in the world just happened? What do you have to be so angry about?”

Today’s kids have quite a lot to be angry about. They have a higher expectation to succeed. This pressure for success didn’t seem to exist for previous generations.

The world around them can feel, and be, threatening. Teenagers have been exposed to school shootings through the news, school lockdown drills as a result, and a pandemic that basically shut down their world. 

When you take all of that, and you couple it with social media, it would actually be surprising if your child didn’t experience anger or depression at some point while growing up.

Teens Feel Anger, And That’s Okay

Anger is a part of life. And that’s okay. Sometimes that anger is warranted, and sometimes it is misdirected or disguising other emotions.

Anger can be a natural part of growing up. But not all anger is natural.

As I’m sure you’ve seen, anger is a powerful emotion, especially in teens. Your child’s anger could be masking other powerful emotions, too – – guilt, shame, maybe grief.

If your teen has suffered from a trauma, he or she may not be able to deal with emotions brought on by that sadness or pain. If your teen is being bullied, he or she may feel ashamed and not want to talk about what’s happening.

Counseling for Teens

In therapy, your teen will learn the importance and connection of how he/she thinks, feels and acts.

We will work on building a healthy relationship with you, the parents/caregivers. We will work on thinking through our thoughts before we take action. And of course, we’ll work on understanding emotions and how they impact our lives.

While working with me, your teen will be heard without being judged.  In my office, your child can express their thoughts/feelings/beliefs without being judged or shamed.  Your teen will be given the time to process those overwhelming and sometimes conflicting emotions.

Talk therapy is effective.  The sooner your child get’s treatment, the sooner he/she will start to feel better.  My office in Washington, PA is warm and inviting.  It’s a place where we can sit, grab a drink, relax and just talk.  

If you have any questions or would like to get to know me a little better, please call (724) 503-6670 or email me at You can also talk to me on Facebook and Instagram, too.