Every one of us is worthy and valued. We learn our self-worth and value early on from those around us – – mainly our family. As parents, there are many simple ways we can help to build our child’s self-esteem starting at a very young age. Let’s look at 4 simple tips you can use …
How To Help Your Child Through Divorce
Divorce is difficult no matter the circumstances. Feelings of guilt, anger, and worry are all normal while grieving the loss of a relationship. Divorce is also overwhelming and traumatic to children, too. There are ways to help your children through divorce so they can grieve what they’ve lost and eventually look forward to and enjoy …
Simple Ways To Teach Your Children Gratitude
Do your children appreciate what they have instead of always asking for more? Or, are your children lacking in gratitude? Not only does gratitude create a better sense of well-being, it can increase self-esteem and empathy, while reducing anger and aggression. How can you raise your children to be grateful for what they have instead …
Little Kids With Big Emotions
Little kids have big emotions. Lightening quick and in rapid succession, children’s moods can swing from happy dancing to angry thrashing without much of anything in between. As parents we may be left wondering “What just happened?” or we may simply dismiss it with “Calm down, now.” But while these big emotions may seem like …
Kids With Anxiety | Self-Talk In Kids
Counseling For Kids With Anxiety In Washington, PA Self-talk is that little voice in our head that speaks to us. It can be encouraging at times, but other times it can be a downright bully. When our kids feel anxious they don’t always know how to express it. Helping our children understand their feelings and …