Showing 3 Result(s)

How To Reduce Temper Tantrums In Kids

how to reduce temper tantrums in kids

While many parents loathe temper tantrums, they are in fact completely typical behavior in kids under 6 years of age. Small kids carry big emotions and as they don’t yet have the vocabulary to express their emotions, those big emotions come out in the form of tantrums. However, there some ways to help reduce temper …

Allow Yourself To Be Sad

allow yourself to be sad

Sadness, like happiness, is a basic emotion. Sadness can get a bad rap, though. It’s not uncommon for people to assume they are doing something “wrong” if they feel sad. But, when you allow yourself to be sad, you are giving yourself permission to slow down, feel your emotions, and explore your thoughts. You are …

How To Support Your Partner

How to support your partner couples counseling in Washington, PA

Have you ever had a really bad day and just wanted to vent? Nothing went well, and by the time you got home, you just had to release all of that pent up negative energy to your parter. And what happened? Did he/she try to fix the problem when all you wanted was to just …