As parents we want to clear the path for our kids. We want to remove any obstacle to help our kids navigate life easily. Unfortunately, life gets bumpy and we can’t always be there to pave the way. We have to raise our kids to be resilient so they can overcome obstacles and thrive in …
Embrace This Fall Season With Family
The leaves have started to turn their glorious riot of color. There is a distinct chill in the air that wasn’t present just weeks ago. While we may be prone to add more into our schedules, I ask for something different this year. Let’s slow down and embrace this fall season as a family. Fall …
How To Help Your Child With After School Meltdowns
Kids are at their best at school. They listen, follow rules, walk in a line, ask to use the bathroom, read, write and speak when they’re told. Following these rules and procedures takes massive amounts of emotional energy in little kids. When they finally arrive at their safe space, home, they get to unload all …
How To Help Your Child Through A Meltdown
Little kids have big feelings and meltdowns are big feelings. Many of us want to stop a meltdown immediately, but we can’t suppress big emotions. The best way to help your child through a meltdown is with support. A meltdown is a response to an overwhelming situation. You may see it coming or it may …
How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids
Have you ever yelled at your kids because it was ‘the only way to get them listen‘? Did you feel guilt after you yelled for handling the situation poorly? There is a better way. You can stop yelling at your kids and find peace and calm in your home. Many parents yell at their kids. …
DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness
Teaching mindfulness to kids helps them process their world. In its simplest way, mindfulness is using your senses to observe the environment around you. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help kids with anxiety learn to use their senses to process stressful situations. DIY stress balls for kids are a simple way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness in …
Why Saying “I’m Sorry” To Our Kids Is Important
Parents sometimes feel as though they aren’t supposed to make mistakes. But that’s not possible. We all make mistakes. Saying “I’m sorry” to our kids is important as it will improve our relationship and restore the bond with your child. Don’t let shame get in the way. It’s not uncommon for parents to feel as …
How To Raise A Child Who Loves To Read
We’ve previously talked about why it’s so important to read to your child for their mental health. When children are exposed to reading from a young age, they quickly build language. Within those words is the ability to convey thoughts, feelings and emotions. Children who read essentially are more adept at communication. So how do …
Why It’s Important To Read To Your Kids
It’s important to read to your kids. But why? While reading to your kids early can help with language and reading later on in development, it can also help with mental health. Raising Better Communicators When we Read to Kids I’ve talked previously about communication being a key to every healthy relationship. This includes your …
Getting Kids Outdoors To Improve Mental Health
Decades ago, children spent most of their free time outside playing, learning and exploring. Today’s kids spend the vast majority of their time inside. With depression and anxiety rates rising, it may be more important than ever to get kids outdoors to help improve their mental health. Do you remember being told “Go outside and …