If you’ve been feeling down after the holiday season, you aren’t alone. It’s actually more common than you might think. We work hard over the holidays, planning, prepping, and executing to give everyone a holiday to remember. And when it’s over, sometimes we are left feeling sad, empty, let down, and stressed. Why am I …
Allow Yourself To Be Sad
Sadness, like happiness, is a basic emotion. Sadness can get a bad rap, though. It’s not uncommon for people to assume they are doing something “wrong” if they feel sad. But, when you allow yourself to be sad, you are giving yourself permission to slow down, feel your emotions, and explore your thoughts. You are …
Why Am I Still Feeling Sad After Having A Baby?
Are you caring for your newborn and not feeling quite like yourself? Are you thinking Why am I still feeling sad after having a baby? You may be experiencing postpartum depression. And you are not alone. Last week we talked about ‘Baby Blues’ and how roughly 80% of new mothers will experience some form of …
Relationships | Have Fun Together For A Happy Relationship
It may sound simple, but do you know that it’s important to have fun together for a happy relationship? If you look back at the beginning of your relationship, you may remember having fun – – date nights, movies, dinners, hours of talking, holding hands, and on and on. There was laughing and time spent …