Showing 16 Result(s)

How To Raise Resilient Kids

how to raise resilient kids (1)

As parents we want to clear the path for our kids. We want to remove any obstacle to help our kids navigate life easily. Unfortunately, life gets bumpy and we can’t always be there to pave the way. We have to raise our kids to be resilient so they can overcome obstacles and thrive in …

Embrace This Fall Season With Family

embrace this fall season as a family

The leaves have started to turn their glorious riot of color. There is a distinct chill in the air that wasn’t present just weeks ago. While we may be prone to add more into our schedules, I ask for something different this year. Let’s slow down and embrace this fall season as a family. Fall …

How To Get Your Kids To Listen

how to get your kids to listen

A common complaint among parents is “My kids don’t listen”. Parents can spend an astonishing amount of time asking/bribing/cajoling their kids into compliance with little or no success. There are, however, ways to get your kids to listen that don’t involve bribing, yelling or repeat requests. We aren’t wired to respond on a dime. It …

How To Help Your Child Feel Loved

how to help your child feel loved

Most of us would do anything for our children. One of the most important things we can do for our children is to raise them with love. There are a few simple ways you can help your child feel loved. Praise Your Child We all like to hear nice things about us. Make sure to …

Back To School Anxiety In Kids

back to school anxiety in kids

Back to school mode is upon us. For some kids, this is an exciting time of sports, activities, and time with friends. For so many others, this is an anxiety filled time with worries and nerves. There are ways to help kids ease their anxiety when heading back to school. How is Your Stress? Before …

How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids

how to stop yelling at your kids

Have you ever yelled at your kids because it was ‘the only way to get them listen‘? Did you feel guilt after you yelled for handling the situation poorly? There is a better way. You can stop yelling at your kids and find peace and calm in your home. Many parents yell at their kids. …

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

Teaching mindfulness to kids helps them process their world. In its simplest way, mindfulness is using your senses to observe the environment around you. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help kids with anxiety learn to use their senses to process stressful situations. DIY stress balls for kids are a simple way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness in …

Why Saying “I’m Sorry” To Our Kids Is Important

Why Saying I'm Sorry To Your Kids Is Important Therapy for kids and teens in Canonsburg, PA

Parents sometimes feel as though they aren’t supposed to make mistakes. But that’s not possible. We all make mistakes. Saying “I’m sorry” to our kids is important as it will improve our relationship and restore the bond with your child. Don’t let shame get in the way. It’s not uncommon for parents to feel as …

Why It’s Important For Kids To Have Chores

Why it's important for kids to have chores

Chores. We all have them. We all need them done. But do your kids need chores? Is it really important for your kids to have chores? You bet it is! Chores matter. It’s that simple. When we are tired and the chore needs done, whether it’s loading the dishwasher, picking up toys or taking out …