If you’ve been feeling down after the holiday season, you aren’t alone. It’s actually more common than you might think.
We work hard over the holidays, planning, prepping, and executing to give everyone a holiday to remember. And when it’s over, sometimes we are left feeling sad, empty, let down, and stressed.
Why am I Feeling Sad After the Holiday Season?
The holiday season is long. We start preparing with Thanksgiving and go straight through New Year’s. When it’s all over, many of us feel sad or let down. Why is that?
We invest so much time, money, and thought into the holidays. So many of us set high expectations, many times unrealistic expectations, so it can be jarring when it’s all over. Getting back to our “normal” can be hard. Additionally, the cold, grey weather and long, dark nights don’t help us feel like the best versions of ourselves.
Tips to Feeling Better After the Holiday Season
Understand that you aren’t alone in feeling this way after the holidays. There are small ways you can help yourself out from these feelings.
Be kind to yourself.
Allow more time accomplish your “usual” tasks. You may have been overworked and exhausted over the holidays, and now your body may need to rest. Give yourself the time it needs.
You don’t have to be “on” all the time. It’s okay if you are feeling a little “off”.
Prioritize your health.
I think it goes without saying, but your physical health is important. Prioritize your sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
Get outside. The sun may not be shining, but that’s doesn’t mean you should stay inside. Grab your coat and some warm, waterproof boots, and head outdoors. Walk your neighborhood, go to a trail, or just sit on your front porch. Fresh air makes a big difference in how we feel, so make sure to spend a bit of time each day outside.
Schedule some fun!
Get something fun on the books! Go out with friends, get some coffee, do something for you.
Therapy for Women in Canonsburg, PA
If you’re feeling sad, lonely, or depressed after the holiday season, talking helps. Make time for you and call us at (724) 503-6670 or email us at admin@inthenowcounseling.org. You can also get to know us betterĀ here.
Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook and Instagram, too.