In The Now Counseling
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How To Relax When …

How To Relax When …

how to relax when

Why is relaxing so hard for many of us? If you sit down, do you take a deep breath and settle in? Or do you, like so many women, think of all the million little things that “need” to get done. How are you supposed to relax when there is always something that needs to get done?

Women and mothers are expected to be “on” nearly all day (and with littles, all night). This isn’t healthy. Being “on” non-stop is emotionally and physically draining. Every body needs down time. Whether that’s a quiet room, reading a book, being alone, or just not being responsible for those around you. You don’t have to “earn” time off. Simply put, you just plain need it.

Relax without Guilt

Do you feel guilty when you relax? Are you thinking of what needs to be done or what isn’t getting done? When we associate relaxing with guilt, we aren’t helping anyone. We are better versions of ourselves when we are rested and cared for.

When your child is cranky, moody and unproductive, do you pile on more work because he/she hasn’t “earned” time to relax? Or do you ask how they are feeling or if they need to eat or rest? If your child takes a nap, or lays in bed and reads a book, what generally happens? You have a happier child.

Why can’t we do the same? We shouldn’t have to feel guilty if we need to relax. We should not have to ask permission (whether to ourselves or others) to take time to rest, relax, and unwind. You’ve earned it just by being you.

So the next time you need to relax (today), take a deep breath, settle into the moment, and enjoy it. Whether it’s 15 minutes, the afternoon, or the whole weekend, embrace it. Enjoy it. Nourish your mind and body and relax.

Therapy for Women in Canonsburg, PA

If you’re struggling to relax, or if you feel guilty for taking time for you, we can help. You deserve time away, you deserve a moment of peace. Talking helps.

Make time to relax, make time for you, and call us at (724) 503-6670 or email us at You can also get to know us better here.

Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook and Instagram, too.