Showing 34 Result(s)

How To Argue: 5 Tips For Healthier Fights

How to argue

Arguments aren’t something to be feared or avoided. They are opportunities to express your feelings and view your relationship from your partner’s perspective. Because our goals and beliefs are never 100% in line with another, conflicts are bound to arise. What makes the difference in a healthy relationship is knowing how to argue. A successful …

Ways To Help Your Relationship Grow

ways to help your relationship grow

The health and satisfaction within a relationship can ebb and flow. Life’s ups and downs can take a toll on any relationship. In a healthy relationship, both partners work together through effort and communication to keep the relationship alive and healthy. Using a few methods daily can help your relationship grow. 4 Simple Ways to …

How To Pick The Right Partner

how to pick the right partner

Is he “The One”? Many of us have asked this question, whether to ourselves or to a friend. How do you know for sure? Is there a way to know? Is there a way to pick the right partner? Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure how things will turn out in the …

Are You Struggling With An Empty Nest?

are you struggling with an empty nest

As summer winds down and the end of August is upon us, many couples are facing a new reality – -their kids are grown and the last child has left home. Empty nest syndrome occurs with the feelings of grief, sadness and loss when your last (or only) child leaves home. Are you struggling with …

How To Stop Keeping Score In Your Relationship

How To Stop Keeping Score In Your Relationship

Do you keep a mental tab of all the ways you have given in your relationship? When you focus on what you’ve given, you miss seeing what your partner has contributed to the relationship. This can quickly lead to anger, bitterness, and resentment. If you stop keeping score in your relationship, you may find yourself …

Why Is My Husband So Angry?

Why is my husband so angry Couples Counseling in Washington, Pa

Do you feel as though you are walking on eggshells in your home? Do you think before you speak to avoid yet another confrontation with your husband? Have you ever wondered “Why is my husband so angry”? Living with an angry spouse is stressful. The days can be full of heightened awareness and high levels …

How To Support Your Partner

How to support your partner couples counseling in Washington, PA

Have you ever had a really bad day and just wanted to vent? Nothing went well, and by the time you got home, you just had to release all of that pent up negative energy to your parter. And what happened? Did he/she try to fix the problem when all you wanted was to just …

Self-Care In Relationships

self-care in relationships couples therapy in washington, pa

I often talk about self-care. As a therapist, I know how important it is to practice self-care. But I think many people view self-care as a luxury for the single person. When you’re in a relationship, when you have kids, how in the world do you take time for you? I’m here to tell you …

How To Have A Good Relationship With Your In-Laws

How To Have A Good Relationship With Your In-laws Therapy for women and couples in Washington, PA

Most of us have heard horror stories about overbearing and overly critical in-laws. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. If you are newly married or if you are looking to strengthen your relationship with your in-laws, there are a few simple tips that can help you create and sustain, a healthy in-law relationship. …