Showing 26 Result(s)

How To Overcome Winter Depression

how to overcome winter depression

Are you feeling as though the beautiful days of fall are ending too early and the dark dreariness of winter is creeping in far too soon? I know I am! Luckily there are ways to overcome winter depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that kicks in about the same time every …

How Many Activities Are Too Many For A Child?

how many activities is too many for a child

We all want our children to thrive. We want them to be well-rounded with academics, sports and extracurricular activities. But how many activities is too many for a child? When is enough, enough? The rate of anxiety in children is still on the rise. Kids go to school, have activities after school, and homework on …

How To Survive Pregnancy

how to survive pregnancy

Women rave about pregnancy and all of its joys. You are creating another human after all and that’s amazing! But what if you don’t feel amazing? If you aren’t in love with being pregnant, you’re not alone. Not everyone gets to thrive while pregnant. Some women just have to survive pregnancy…and that’s okay. If you …

Your College Student And Depression

your college student and depression

Parents are usually excited and proud to watch their children go off to college. It’s an accomplishment for both. But what happens when that excitement you feel for them isn’t being shown by them? There is a chance your college student is experiencing depression. We are seeing a greater rate of depression among college students …

Back To School Anxiety In Kids

back to school anxiety in kids

Back to school mode is upon us. For some kids, this is an exciting time of sports, activities, and time with friends. For so many others, this is an anxiety filled time with worries and nerves. There are ways to help kids ease their anxiety when heading back to school. How is Your Stress? Before …

Why Am I Still Feeling Sad After Having A Baby?

Why am i still feeling sad after having a baby postpartum depression Washington, PA therapy for new moms

Are you caring for your newborn and not feeling quite like yourself? Are you thinking Why am I still feeling sad after having a baby? You may be experiencing postpartum depression. And you are not alone. Last week we talked about ‘Baby Blues’ and how roughly 80% of new mothers will experience some form of …

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

DIY Stress Balls For Kids To Practice Mindfulness

Teaching mindfulness to kids helps them process their world. In its simplest way, mindfulness is using your senses to observe the environment around you. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help kids with anxiety learn to use their senses to process stressful situations. DIY stress balls for kids are a simple way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness in …

Why Am I Sad After Having A Baby?

Why am I sad after having a baby

You’re not a bad mom. You are not a failure. Let’s just clear that up now. Many mothers, most new mothers in fact, will experience something mood related after having a baby. If you are wondering “Why am I sad after having a baby?” you’re not alone. It may just be the baby blues. Feeling …

How To Support Your Partner

How to support your partner couples counseling in Washington, PA

Have you ever had a really bad day and just wanted to vent? Nothing went well, and by the time you got home, you just had to release all of that pent up negative energy to your parter. And what happened? Did he/she try to fix the problem when all you wanted was to just …

What If I’m Not Bonding With My New Baby?

what if i'm not bonding with my new baby therapy for new moms in washington, pa

Many expectant mothers know the importance of bonding with their baby. We are told of this wave of unconditional love that we’ll immediately feel upon meeting our new baby. If you’ve been left wondering why you’re not bonding with your new baby, you’re not alone. And it’s okay. So many of us aren’t told that …