Dealing with infertility is an incredibly stressful time in a couple’s life. Feelings of depression, anxiety, jealousy, and immense sadness are just some of the very typical feelings a woman may experience while she is living with infertility. In a stressful situation like infertility, it’s ok to feel stressed. Focus on the Things you can …
Why It’s Important For Kids To Have Chores
Chores. We all have them. We all need them done. But do your kids need chores? Is it really important for your kids to have chores? You bet it is! Chores matter. It’s that simple. When we are tired and the chore needs done, whether it’s loading the dishwasher, picking up toys or taking out …
Wedding Planning And Your Mental Health
You’ve dreamed of your wedding for so long and now it’s time to actually plan the big day. You thought it would be exciting and romantic making the biggest day of your life a dream come true. But instead of feeling overjoyed with the wedding planning process, you’re left feeling anxious. Add in the fact …
How To Start Journaling For Beginners
If you’ve been looking into self-care, there is a good chance you’ve stumbled across the importance of journaling. Journaling is a way to express your thoughts and feelings without judgement, criticism, or blame. It’s a moment in the day that is just for you. If you’ve been wondering how to start journaling but you don’t …
How To Be A Good Listener
We all have a basic need to be heard, whether in business, with friends, or in romanic relationships. It’s natural to want to feel important, especially to those we care about. Listening is a skill that isn’t second nature to most. Learning how to be a good listener is an important skill to learn as …
How To Tell If Your Relationship Is In Danger
It’s not uncommon to hear that a relationship suddenly crumbled. It’s not uncommon for a partner to feel blindsided by sudden actions to end a marriage. The reality, though, is that relationships and marriages don’t just crumble. There are ways to tell if your relationship is in danger. And while sometimes we miss the signs, …
How To Live A Positive Life
We all deal with a variety of emotions day in and day out. Some are positive while others negative. What makes the difference to our mental well being is our mindset. Mindset is how you view and handle situations. With a little practice, you can change your mindset and live a more positive, more fulfilling, …
What Discussions Are Important Before Having Kids?
So many couples follow a similar path of dating, engaged, married, and then kids. But is it the right path for everyone? And was it ever discussed in an open conversation? If you are considering having kids, there are a several conversations you may want to have with yourself, and your spouse / partner, before …
The Power Of Female Friendships
Men and women, while compatible, are inherently different. Females by nature are intuitive, curious, and empathetic. That’s why there is so much power in female friendships. When we need help or support, it’s natural that we turn to our closest friends. Female friendships are our emotional support system in good and bad. Like Minded Women …
5 Things You Wish You Would Have Discussed Before Marriage
As wedding season approaches many of us will begin receiving wedding announcements, shower invitations and lastly, wedding invitations. Wedding season is a time of joy for some, but for others, it can be a time of pain and awareness of their own failing marriage. If you have been struggling in your marriage, there may be …