Relationships are hard work, as we know. Whether it’s romantic, work, parent, or any other type of relationship, it’s imperative to ask for what you really want. It may seem like you shouldn’t have to spell out, especially in a romantic relationship, what you want or expect. But when we don’t state clearly how we …
Ways To Help Your Relationship Grow
The health and satisfaction within a relationship can ebb and flow. Life’s ups and downs can take a toll on any relationship. In a healthy relationship, both partners work together through effort and communication to keep the relationship alive and healthy. Using a few methods daily can help your relationship grow. 4 Simple Ways to …
How To Survive Pregnancy
Women rave about pregnancy and all of its joys. You are creating another human after all and that’s amazing! But what if you don’t feel amazing? If you aren’t in love with being pregnant, you’re not alone. Not everyone gets to thrive while pregnant. Some women just have to survive pregnancy…and that’s okay. If you …
How To Pick The Right Partner
Is he “The One”? Many of us have asked this question, whether to ourselves or to a friend. How do you know for sure? Is there a way to know? Is there a way to pick the right partner? Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure how things will turn out in the …
How To Support Your Partner
Have you ever had a really bad day and just wanted to vent? Nothing went well, and by the time you got home, you just had to release all of that pent up negative energy to your parter. And what happened? Did he/she try to fix the problem when all you wanted was to just …
Self-Care In Relationships
I often talk about self-care. As a therapist, I know how important it is to practice self-care. But I think many people view self-care as a luxury for the single person. When you’re in a relationship, when you have kids, how in the world do you take time for you? I’m here to tell you …
5 Simple Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave
Returning to work after maternity leave is a completely new transition. You may have mixed feelings about leaving, going, and everything in between – – not to mention you aren’t getting your best sleep. Whether you’re wracked with guilt or counting down the days, there are a few simple tips for returning to work after …
Infertility Is Stressful | It’s Okay To Feel Stressed
Dealing with infertility is an incredibly stressful time in a couple’s life. Feelings of depression, anxiety, jealousy, and immense sadness are just some of the very typical feelings a woman may experience while she is living with infertility. In a stressful situation like infertility, it’s ok to feel stressed. Focus on the Things you can …
Surviving The First Few Months As A New Mom
I’ve written previously about postpartum depression and about being overwhelmed as a mom. These impacted my own life and are a big part of the reason I became a therapist. Surviving the first few months as a new mom isn’t just a title. It’s life with a newborn. For some lucky moms the first few …
How To Start Journaling For Beginners
If you’ve been looking into self-care, there is a good chance you’ve stumbled across the importance of journaling. Journaling is a way to express your thoughts and feelings without judgement, criticism, or blame. It’s a moment in the day that is just for you. If you’ve been wondering how to start journaling but you don’t …