Showing 20 Result(s)

How To Live A Positive Life

how to live a positive life Washington, PA Therapy for Women

We all deal with a variety of emotions day in and day out. Some are positive while others negative. What makes the difference to our mental well being is our mindset. Mindset is how you view and handle situations. With a little practice, you can change your mindset and live a more positive, more fulfilling, …

Mom Guilt And How To Overcome It

Mom Guilt and how to overcome it Washington, PA Therapy For Women

Mom guilt – – So many of us know that feeling. We feel guilt for working outside the home and not spending enough time with our kids. Or we feel guilt for being home and not spending enough time with our kids. We feel a constant worry that we aren’t doing enough or being enough. …

What Discussions Are Important Before Having Kids?

What discussions are important before having kids Washington, PA Couples Therapy

So many couples follow a similar path of dating, engaged, married, and then kids. But is it the right path for everyone? And was it ever discussed in an open conversation? If you are considering having kids, there are a several conversations you may want to have with yourself, and your spouse / partner, before …

The Power Of Female Friendships

the power of female frienships therapist for women, washington, pa

Men and women, while compatible, are inherently different. Females by nature are intuitive, curious, and empathetic. That’s why there is so much power in female friendships. When we need help or support, it’s natural that we turn to our closest friends. Female friendships are our emotional support system in good and bad. Like Minded Women …

Breastfeeding Or Formula | Your Way Is The Best

breastfeeding or bottle | Your way is best washington, pa therapists for new moms

Pregnancy and motherhood are not without their challenges, that’s for sure. So many people want to give you their opinions, whether you want them or not. One topic in particular seems to heat up quickly… breastfeeding or formula? Let me start by saying, whatever you choose, your way is truly the best way.     Breastfeeding or …

Why Forgiveness In A Relationship Is Important

Why Forgiveness In a Relationship in important Washington, PA Therapists

Forgiveness can be a very difficult concept for many of us. However, forgiving others is important for our own mental health and wellbeing. Forgiveness in a relationship is important as allowing old hurts to grow can lead to resentment and hate. Forgiveness in any relationship is important for our own peace of mind. What is …

Date Nights For A Healthy Relationship

Date Nights For a healthy relationship, couples counseling Washington, pa

Are date nights important for a healthy relationship? Yep! You better believe it! It can be easy to lose focus on your relationship with the demands of life. The bright side is date nights don’t have to be elaborate, time consuming or even at night. Date nights are key to a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Date …

How to Make Your Needs Known in a Relationship

Relationship Counseling In Washington, PA We all have needs in life – – some are basic, some are complex, and some are a bit more specific to each of us. Having needs is not being “needy”. Having needs means you’re human. And it’s important to know how to make your needs known for a healthy, …