We all deal with a variety of emotions day in and day out. Some are positive while others negative. What makes the difference to our mental well being is our mindset. Mindset is how you view and handle situations. With a little practice, you can change your mindset and live a more positive, more fulfilling, life.
Focussing on the Positive
When someone is a generally happy person, it doesn’t mean their life is perfect or that they have no problems. Focussing on the positive means when a negative situation occurs, you focus your mindset on the solution, and not the problem.
If your car breaks down and you focus all of your energy on how much this is going to inconvenience you, you’re going to feel negative and angry. You are creating a habit that problems are met with frustration first, and solutions last. If instead you focus on the solution, i.e. you drop the car off at a mechanic and get a ride home/work, you haven’t used any negative energy and your mindset stays positive.
Living a positive life doesn’t mean you ignore the “bad” things in life. When you work on living a positive life, you choose to focus on solutions. Problems become challenges that have yet to be solved.
Positive Self-Talk
Self-talk is our inner voice. It’s often our inner-critic if we allow it. We can all work to live a positive life by changing our inner dialogue. When we are kinder to ourselves, when we allow for mistakes to be learning opportunities, we can change our inner voice into our biggest advocate.
Change takes time. And learning to live a positive life will take time and practice. Many of us have spent years building a habit of seeing the negative and focusing solely on the problems around us. Creating a new habit will take time and practice. Luckily in life we have many opportunities to practice improving our mindset and working towards new goals.
Live in the Present for a Positive Life
If you’re wanting to live a more positive life but you can’t quite get there, step back and think about your focus. When you think about happiness, well-being, contentment, what do you see? If you’re thinking about a new car, or a big vacation, or buying a bigger house, you’re missing the mark.
Living a positive life is not about what you have, or don’t have. It’s not about reaching a future goal or even living in the past. A positive life is about the now. It’s focusing on the good traits and moments all around you.
Living a positive life is about how you think and feel. It’s a change in mindset to see the good in areas where you previously saw the bad. We can’t always change or even control our situation, but we can always change how we view our situation.
Life is about the choices we make. And our attitudes, our mental health and well-being are dependent on how we view our lives. If you start to focus on the good, enjoy life’s little moments, and see opportunities instead of obstacles, you can start to life a positive life.
Washington, PA Therapy for Women
If you have been feeling down, therapy may be right for you. I help moms and women to put themselves first. If you’re in the Washington, PA area and have considered therapy, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
If you have any questions or would like to get to know me a little better, please call (724) 503-6670 or email me at admin@inthenowcounseling.org. You can also talk to me on Facebook and Instagram, too.